The American Tinnitus Association (ATA) reports that approximately 50-million Americans have experienced some form of tinnitus, making it one of the most common underlying symptoms of a health conditions in the United States. However, you can do several things to prevent tinnitus. Listed here are a few recommended prevention techniques. If you suspect that you have tinnitus talk to your audiologist about the ways you can prevent tinnitus.

Reduce Exposure to Noise

Being constantly exposed to loud noises can damage the delicate cells in your ear, leading to tinnitus. If you work in a noisy environment or go to concerts, you can wear hearing protection like earplugs or earmuffs to block out some of these loud noises. You can also avoid listening to music or watching TV at high volumes. If you work in a noisy environment, take regular breaks so your ears can rest. You can also gradually reduce the volume so your ears can get used to it.

Adjust Your Diet

Making dietary changes is an effective way to prevent tinnitus. Limit the amount of alcohol, caffeine, sugar and salt you intake, as these can act as triggers for tinnitus. Increase the number of healthy foods you eat, such as fruits and vegetables. Eating more antioxidant-rich foods high in vitamins E, C and magnesium will help keep your hearing healthy.

Quit Smoking and Drinking

Smoking and drinking can trigger an inflammatory process known as oxidative stress. This can damage the cells in your inner ear and might lead to permanent hearing loss or chronic tinnitus. Even drinking a moderate amount of alcohol can increase your risk. So, if you smoke or drink regularly, you should consider cutting back or quitting altogether. It could make a huge difference in how you hear the world around you.

Regular Visits to the Audiologist Are Essential

You can also improve your overall hearing health by having regular check-ups with an audiologist. Any infection or inflammation can be treated before it leads to more damage to your hearing and the onset of tinnitus. It is wise to get checked at least once a year, particularly if you already have hearing loss or are approaching an age where your hearing begins to decline. In addition to checking your hearing, treat any existing ear infections as soon as possible and avoid taking medications that can cause both temporary and permanent tinnitus. 

Earwax Removal

Earwax is not only necessary for optimal hearing, but it also helps to protect the inner ear from dust, debris and pathogens. However, too much can narrow the ear canal and create pressure in the inner ear. To prevent this from happening, talk to your audiologist about what would be the best treatment option for you. It’s also important to change your pillowcase regularly, as dust can get trapped in the material and build up in your ears.

It is important to note that tinnitus can develop from short-term and long-term exposure to high-level sound levels if you often find yourself in a noisy environment. These simple steps will help keep your ears healthy and stop tinnitus from creeping up on you. Talk with your audiologist about these ways to prevent tinnitus.

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