If you want to avoid age-related hearing loss or noise-induced hearing loss, there are steps you may take to reduce your risk of developing these conditions in the first place. If one is exposed to loud noises, one should always wear hearing protection, and it is never too early or late to start. The health of your hearing can be improved by adhering to your audiologist’s advice and keeping a healthy lifestyle.

The importance of limiting exposure to loud noises cannot be overemphasized, but there are other healthy ways that can help you maintain your hearing as you age, such as the following.

Can You Prevent Hearing Loss?

Cells in the inner ear, which resemble hairs, are extremely sensitive to fluctuations in blood flow. In the inner ear, these cells are responsible for the ability to hear. Hearing loss will be the result of these cells being damaged. It is important to note that a person’s overall health affects their capacity to prevent hearing loss or, if they already have hearing loss, preserve hearing.

Stay Heart Healthy

If you have high blood pressure or heart problems, it is conceivable that your ability to discern between sounds will be affected. It is important to stick to your doctor’s recommendations if you are trying to lower your cholesterol or blood pressure.

Avoid Smoking and Excessive Alcohol Consumption

Cigarette smoke can harm a person’s hearing, whether inhaled directly or indirectly during pregnancy. Since excessive alcohol consumption can generate a toxic environment in the ear canal, it can have the same impact as smoking. Even though the link between vaping and hearing loss has not been thoroughly researched, anecdotal reports suggest it is.

Manage Your Diabetes

Hearing loss is twice as common in those with diabetes than in the general population, according to research. Diabetes can cause damage to the cells in your inner ear in the same way that excessive blood pressure does. Always keep an eye on your blood sugar levels and adhere to your doctor’s recommendations for controlling your diabetes.

Reduce Stress and Exercise

The increased blood flow that comes from regular exercise is good for your general health as well as the health of your ears. Listening to loud music or carelessly lifting weights at the gym could lead to hearing loss, so use caution. Keep your stress levels as low as possible to protect your hearing from the long-term effects of stress on your health.

Review Any Medications with Your Doctor

A wide variety of over-the-counter and prescription medications have been linked to hearing loss in a large number of people, including children. Aspirin, chemotherapy, and intravenous antibiotics are all examples of ototoxic medicines which can cause hearing loss in people. If you are at risk of getting drug-related hearing loss, you may be able to speak with your doctor about any alternate medicines that could lower your risk.

Tags: hearing loss prevention tips